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Murat Ertan
Sep 21, 20244 min read
Cartographers of Reality
There are two poles of anticipation: Positive anticipation and negative anticipation. Anticipation is expectation; it is a projection of...

Murat Ertan
Sep 15, 20244 min read
Will Power – Habit – Stress Trinity
An inquiry about actions, namely behaviors, can be tracked down to some of the three components of the mind's functioning. If we are to...

Murat Ertan
May 16, 20243 min read
Why of the Why
The majority ask why only when their expectations and reality are different. A partner asks why when the other deceives the other. A...

Murat Ertan
Mar 19, 20242 min read
On Potentials
We are beings. What is a being a being? Is it the sum of all our qualities that makes us, or is the tendencies we have for certain...

Murat Ertan
Mar 12, 20243 min read
The Portrait of Josephine
Empress Josephine Bonaparte would have envied Josephine if only she could see him in his natural face. Perhaps because of love or perhaps...

Murat Ertan
Feb 27, 20243 min read
Past as a Filter
We cannot learn from the future. And it is impossible to have time to learn in the present. So the only section we can gain information...

Murat Ertan
Feb 5, 20243 min read
Agony of Love
I am neither the first one nor the last one speaking about love. For centuries, humans have mentioned it in their poems, waged wars...

Murat Ertan
Jan 16, 20243 min read
Present Reflecting Itself as Past
Today, with my recent expedition, I would like to extend why the past is essential. The past has the power to set standards or perhaps...

Murat Ertan
Jan 16, 20243 min read
A Place Called Home
Although the word "home" invokes certain emotions usually tied to a place, when it comes to describing it via comments is a challenging...

Murat Ertan
Dec 1, 20238 min read
The Portrait of Hypatia
Philosopher Hypatia could have envied Hypatia, perhaps because of hatred and perhaps because of misery. But let me, the one who witnessed...

Murat Ertan
Nov 23, 20231 min read
Kraken Principles
1- Death is the first and the last partner 2- Money is the exchange of exchange 3- Emotions are servants that introduce...

Murat Ertan
Nov 11, 20232 min read
B-Love VS D-Love
Love, according to Freud, is the basic representation of the Eros, the main driver of human motivation, a sublimated desire for sex, the...

Murat Ertan
Oct 22, 20232 min read
Longing Yearning
Nietzsche's magnum opus, Thus Spracht Zarathustra, has a very interesting origin. One could see it as a rebellion against the old...

Murat Ertan
Oct 14, 20233 min read
The Importance of University
University is a special place because there are so many unique events and environments the individual is facing. After the regular K-12...

Murat Ertan
Oct 1, 20233 min read
Risk of Trust or Trust of Risk
One of the fascinating things about forming any relationship is that there has to be a step where you have to do something that you do...

Murat Ertan
Sep 17, 20232 min read
A Sincere Reflection
Every person going through their lives will have to hold certain positions of ideas. They will be responsible for themselves from those...

Murat Ertan
Aug 16, 20233 min read
Today a core theme in the universe will be investigated: Decentralisation. Centres are the places where things originate and centralise....
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