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Murat Ertan
Jan 30, 20244 min read
We were travelling through Sweden. The way north was laid open before us. Once we crossed the Norwegian border, I was mesmerised by the...

Murat Ertan
Jan 24, 20245 min read
In Sweden, it was pretty different when I first left Arlanda airport. It was the calmest airport I have ever been to. From the skies, you...

Murat Ertan
Jan 16, 20243 min read
Present Reflecting Itself as Past
Today, with my recent expedition, I would like to extend why the past is essential. The past has the power to set standards or perhaps...

Murat Ertan
Jan 16, 20243 min read
A Place Called Home
Although the word "home" invokes certain emotions usually tied to a place, when it comes to describing it via comments is a challenging...

Murat Ertan
Dec 27, 20233 min read
Doctor’s Angel
The door is knocked, and a friend opens the door. Good morning, friend! I am happy that you invited me to this beautiful dinner tonight....

Murat Ertan
Dec 22, 20234 min read
Dark Blade
In a time past, another member of the society was born. We do not remember his original name given by their parents. After all, it...

Murat Ertan
Dec 20, 202319 min read
My Enchiridion
Meta Data Counsellor: Burak A. Date Forwarded: 11/1/2023. Date Finished: 12/20/2023. Review I agree with the fact that Enchiridion's bits...

Murat Ertan
Dec 14, 20233 min read
Ice of Phoenix
Phoenixes' are mythological creatures that are depicted as fiery birds. They have been quite often used in fantastic literature. Perhaps...

Murat Ertan
Dec 14, 20234 min read
Returning to Pandora's Box
I will be ever thankful to the author Coskun Ruzgar Karakoc for bringing up an essential topic for awareness. We had some discussions...

Murat Ertan
Dec 1, 20238 min read
The Portrait of Hypatia
Philosopher Hypatia could have envied Hypatia, perhaps because of hatred and perhaps because of misery. But let me, the one who witnessed...

Murat Ertan
Nov 23, 20231 min read
Kraken Principles
1- Death is the first and the last partner 2- Money is the exchange of exchange 3- Emotions are servants that introduce...

Murat Ertan
Nov 17, 20233 min read
Recent generations have been born into technological advancements in human history. It has never been that accelerating in history that...

Murat Ertan
Nov 11, 20232 min read
B-Love VS D-Love
Love, according to Freud, is the basic representation of the Eros, the main driver of human motivation, a sublimated desire for sex, the...

Murat Ertan
Nov 8, 20231 min read
Peak of the Summit
Look at you now What a know-how Shall you see the cow Feeding the wow You suffer greatly I watch terribly Of the pain thoroughly Coming...

Murat Ertan
Nov 8, 20233 min read
Cognitive Dissonance
The human mind is usually incorrect. It tries to construct reality so that it must survive through that constructed reality. The...

Murat Ertan
Oct 28, 20233 min read
Where the Exuberant Wind Flows
It was a day of coincidence from the depths rose a creature who inspired Cthulhu. The day seemed original though the wind was howling...

Murat Ertan
Oct 27, 20236 min read
On the Floating City
It will never be enough to express my gratitude to Polyhedron's magnificent author Coşkun Rüzgar Karakoç. In his work, I could see things...

Murat Ertan
Oct 22, 20232 min read
Longing Yearning
Nietzsche's magnum opus, Thus Spracht Zarathustra, has a very interesting origin. One could see it as a rebellion against the old...

Murat Ertan
Oct 14, 20233 min read
The Importance of University
University is a special place because there are so many unique events and environments the individual is facing. After the regular K-12...
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