Today a core theme in the universe will be investigated: Decentralisation.
Centres are the places where things originate and centralise. They are both distribution hubs for agents away and a fading ancestral platform for the same agents. Anything, be it material or abstract, has a centre. Thoughts (possibly because of neurological structure) have a centre of origin. Any abstract idea of something can be traced back in reverse order. This principle helped Sigmund Freud, with Catharsis in the psychoanalytic theory, to trace back the origin of neurosis. Material things have a centre where their most characteristic attributes of them propagate.
Life originates from an ancestral cell-like structure
Every signal has a centre
Cosmos rotates around a centre (possibly around many at the same time)
Ideas have centres
Vortexes and hurricanes evolve around their centre
Mathematical concepts originate from several axioms
Seeds are centres for the pre-plant
Theories are centres of all implications
Planets have centres
Number one (1) is the centre of all numbers (Complex numbers included) as others are derived from it.
every closed geometric shape has a centre
Big bang had a centre
The list can be extended for sure. Yet, the diverse and quite rich examples surrounding centralisation have been shown. So, it becomes pretty helpful to examine the dynamics surrounding centres and how things take action around those centres.
Even in our cognition of space, we choose a reference point. In physics, the calculations of relative velocity are done based on this arbitrary point of observational point. Things evolve around those points. Datacenters spread the data to other operands in the network.
The core theme is that centres almost always have been the starting point of everything else to evolve from that point of the thing. Everything expands from centres. There are two implications of this:
Things move away from their centre
Centers always define the non-centre
When creatures, including humans, observe themselves from their senses, all those sensory data inputs have a centre. All other inferences are related to those centres and labelled as non-centre to be processed. Thus, the perceived action always centres on the centre of perception and expands from it.
Usually, things become their future or potential by expanding from their centre. As the previously given example of the universe, it has been evolving away from its big bang point until now. The expansion of it is away from the centre. Evolution always adds up the successful gene, so it moves away from the centre of origin. Centralised nodes were more open to attacks and corruption. Decentralised nodes are more secure and very hard to be taken down. Creatures which have decentralised their masses are more likely to survive like bugs and bacteria.
Thus we can verify that expansion from this centre is the development and better being of the agent (Universe or a biological life form). Decentralisation of abstract things means that abstract objects change the state of their originality. For example, when centralised in mind, the anxious idea makes a human sad; while it is decentralised, emotional balance is achieved. From science, when observations become decentralised, a theory usually emerges. And when theories become decentralised, a law occurs.
When an army has a weak point in one location, it will be vulnerable to that centralised point. Similar to Achilles, the military would fall quickly from that centralised point. However, if the weakness is decentralised, the army would sustain indefinitely. Achilles wouldn’t die if he decentralised its mortality.
From all the above investigations surrounding centres It has been covered to two main conclusions:
a) A thing becomes itself by expanding from its centre (Process of Decentralisation)
b) Centres are always the genesis point for the inference
To improve something, one must move away and differentiate from one’s starting point. One is derived from those centres if they are mastering something. This process has been named “upskilling” or “education”. Con-centration is decentralising the attention to all operators of your brain for maximum efficiency.
It follows that to change our inferences, we need to change our centres. To protect something, we have to relocate its centre. A well-known example is a famous quote, “Changing perspectives” or “Looking from different angles”. But as we have uncovered the principles governing those words, the meaning becomes evident and logical with this structure of thinking.
Kurt Gödel showed when mathematics has centralised (limited) hypotheses; it will have limitations. Without an infinite amount of axioms, there couldn’t be a consistent system. Thus, it is clear that mathematics is on its way to ultimate as it is not decentralised in its current state. Any decentralised system is incomplete and is heading towards its ultimate (Refer to conclusion b.)
Decentralisation is using entropy rather than working against it. Decentralisation defines what development is. Entropy is also the fiercest decentralisation power existing. Decentralisation is undoubtedly a change, as change is the specific decentralisation of a thing. This change is always aligned with the very stuff of a thing’s nature, of its virtue.
Entropy is a type of decentralisation.