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Writer: Murat ErtanMurat Ertan

In this paper, I would like to convey my ideas of sociality to you, the dear curious reader and the capable individual. Although a sectional division can be made, such as the first part is a little bit theoretical and the second part more practical, which is anti-divided.

I feel responsible for sharing my ideas on sociality not because it is exciting but because it plays a critical role in human life. Thus, even if those ideas help you to realise yourself and become better (both yourself and your social partners), then I will have achieved my purpose.

Although such labels as social or its contrast became conformists’ corrupted lenses, the term Sociality means much deeper. So deep that it, in the end, becomes your soil for who you will be destined to be. In the end, such labels put by such anti-professional people damage themselves sadly.

The goal of human interaction is the communication of excessive products. It doesn’t matter whether it is a mental or physical product (you can think of that as Capital). When you know much more than someone and, in turn, demand something from the other, you exchange such differences. The same dynamic plays a significant role in relationships as well. The more other demands trust and the more you provide it in exchange for something (this could be the pleasant feeling of being with someone, too), you demand also.

Basically, it is supply-demand. But it is tough to set “emotional” currencies to make up Emotion markets. Facebook and social media though not ideally, tries to do that. They gather your data. Depending on their trained hypothesises, they try to connect them either to someone who could profit from their demands (THE MARKETING PROFIT OF SUCH COMPANIES) or they connect you with the right people for you to exchange your emotional care and value. The latter could be the only valid reason for using such tools.

The core principle of Emotiony is matching the multidimensional supply and demand within the operating agents.

So, let us define social activity as the amount of time people spend in their lives exchanging time or trying to find someone to trade that emotional capital. Thus, we have approximately formed what could substitute Emotiony (similar to the word Economy). And the more person those such activities, the more they have the opportunity to increase their social capital. But like in the fundamental markets, Emotiony markets require liquidity, which corresponds to the coefficient of people's capability of connection. As in the real economy, the less liquidity, the more risk and, in turn, more reward. It is perhaps an innate desire for humans to accumulate social capital. This is another way of saying Humans are SOCIAL ANIMALS.

But what happens if a person's capability of connection is below the average of the society he lives in? With that, we can understand the loneliness among the crowd. And vice versa, if such coefficient o capability of connection is high, then one can even form relationships with people having the lowest capability of connection. Thus, we see the power of diversification in a society. With varied coefficients of people, liquidity between every actor in Emotiony is nearly guaranteed.

The more you exchange with others, the more you increase the volume of trading in your own life. If the trade were profitable, accumulate social capital. And vice versa, it could also drain social capital by constantly making losing activities. I will not give clear examples of what is profitable and what is not because those things change every generation and every time. However, with a level of abstraction, exchanging knowledge and sharing bi-directional emotions can be said to be profitable.

After stressing the dynamics, I want to answer some people who asked me a question that troubled me for a long time. After everything they have been through, could they find someone matching their supply demand with the other person?

That question resonates with what makes us human. Without Emotiony, we are sick unto damnation. Without economic activity, we wouldn’t pain much, and we would either starve to death within a month or die dehydrated or fall ill from a “simple” bacterium. In contrast, without Emotiony, one can suffer for a very long time while having economic activity. This is very painful, the thirst without an end. One could imagine starving without ever dying. I believe this is the underlying cause of what SOREN KIERKEGAARD brilliantly names SICKNESS UNTO DEATH, where he projects Emotiony unto GOD, in my opinion. The importance of Emotiany has been wonderfully shown by ALFRED ADLER under the name of the COMMUNITY SENSE. Thus, the saddest thing is to have no one else to establish Emotiony. NIETZSCHE said how nourishing it was to be with an individual. Against the common belief and stigma, he had enjoyed the company of others, like Wagner, until one day lost what he had desired so profoundly. His last years somehow resemble his powerful saying of AMOR FATI, what he had always so much desired and, by fate finding it in the VOID.

I had people around me who lost hope of finding a social partner to establish Emotiony (Imagine the primitivity of secluded economies as an analogy). The pain in their eyes was immense. One can understand what AGONY feels like seeing those. Dear friends, please do not bear such terrible pain. This is like saying we can’t go to hell if we are already there. Please know that there are people to be hopeful for. My proof? Well, I know more than two of you, so by a posterior, it is proved.

Dear friend, for all in your past, the damaged expectations for others and the ones who didn’t deserve your valuable emotional Capital do not constitute a fact. You, by being hopeless, are on the verge of letting down your future social partners. Step back from the cliff for the others in need of you!

The activity of Emotiony has many forms. The individual can easily see that Emotiony not can only be formed with real-time people but can be formed independently of time and space. When you read a book or even dance, you are in exchange with that author or that spirit of the culture.

The joyful person spreads their joy by forming more and more Emotiony activities.

Last but not least, the Black-hearted can also be made complete with the activity of Emotiony. After all, they know what gives them momentum in their darkest corners of spirit.

People move toward their desires. And the most profound desire is to become themselves. The need for Emotiony then substitutes the most profound desire. Even though now we are living in a “competitive” environment where many confuse the Virtue of competition as being relentless and unforgiving, the Virtue of competition is only to remind the difference between “Who are you” and “Who you will become”. In the Emotiony markets, the more you are competent, the more you have volume, hopefully positively.

The spark to write this paper came to me from someone who has been trying to look at somebody with shyness for some time. In his eyes, I saw the big question of “Is he” or “What if”. His courageous position of being aware of the deepest desire amazed me, and his shyness stirred me. There you can see the expectation and satisfaction coming from knowing “What if” has possibly of being answered positively! - as inferred. His shyness comes from his care for himself and ultimately reflects back that care to others, and he does not want to endanger a potential activity of Emotiony by disturbing others with pure interest. What a Gaze! The Norwegian appears once more.

And let them dance with the holy grace of heaven, in the earth.

Initially published for Polyhedron on 10/12/2022


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