Freedom is not a noun. Something never finished and done but something you must constantly become. I am very lucky to have such a friend leading me to this verb. It was after the winter, in a cold atmosphere in a warm classroom. The place can be thought of as a kind of cultural prison. But it was the best prison in terms of the noun freedom it gave compared to other neighbouring versions of it.
During those years, I was quite confused. Everyone said they wanted freedom, but only a handful thought about freedom and less than that chased it. But in contrast with the piece, everyone seemed to finish and completely did the freedom. I hadn’t seen such a delusion before because I was delusional as well. I never thought of freedom as a verb, but I was subconsciously made to obey freedom as a noun. The culture prison was doing its job well until him.
At this time, I was inspired by the fury itself. The conflict he showed was like the supernovas forming to give birth to new stars. At this point, he had more courage than me. It was hard to accept this at first because I was deceived. How could he manage to break the illusion? It seems the responsibilities he had taken made him prepare for what was to come. And there is no better way to deal with life freely.
I was inspired. At this point, I was introduced to the greatest thinkers of a bygone age whose ideas still continue to shape our postmodern world. The more I questioned, the more I questioned. And the more questions were raised, the more urge for me to find reality invoked. This desire for truth banished the illusions and made me see everything as it really is, at least to a better degree than before. Other events followed, like a chain reaction eventually.
I am still not sure what he had taken from me, though he had given me the verb freedom. It is a beautiful thing to see persistence for all those years, which became a scarce thing to come by. He did most others can never possibly dare with their current selves. He challenged the challenge itself. And a reasonable observer can see the slow but strong ascendance of him.
Freedom for freedom was not a verb. Freedom for what? It must be answered. He was answering it directly.
What would have happened if we hadn’t met at this place? What would I become? He is not the first but the most significant answer to why you have to have royal friends. He also showed me that royalty was not inherited but constantly became as well. Serendipity is not the found chest of treasure or won money lottery, but people like him, a strong character.