Today I would like to reflect on the mirror of the soul. Eyes have been said to be reflecting another being's very own psyche by saying "mirror of the soul". Intuitive? Many claim they fell in "love" when they saw their significant other's eyes. Is it just the eyes? Or perhaps it is more than eyes and I's.
Everybody has their own experience when you look at other people. In some, you see the abyss as if the eyes are reflecting the emptiness inside. In some, you will see the fury and hatred. In those eyes shall we raise the glass to the conquerors who use this rage as fuel to their grand plans. Eventually, in some, you will find love toward the self and eventually to yourself. It has been the third one that gave me a reason to write this article and make their holiness lasting. The first and second ones are the immature state of a being's position, which is something that is not natural.
Why are eyes so powerful? It is obvious that for a bat, especially Nagel's, hearing substitutes seeing. For a morsel, it is touching. You see the pattern of learning here. The main organs creatures use are their portal to reality from selves and themselves. For humans, it is their eyes, considering the size of the visual brain matter in an average person.
Once you form eye contact with an animal, you see its intentions clearly. They gaze at you to determine whether you are a threat or not. The same goes when you briefly look at the other people walking down the road. As such, the intentions are primal and more security-based.
When you adopt a dog, it may occasionally go beyond that. The very same thing goes with the felixes. Your cat forms eye contact longer as it wants more than knowing whether you are a threat or not. This is an ascension and quite an exciting build-up. Your dog comes at you and looks directly into your eyes, wanting to express their relatedness to you. If you do the same, the bond gets stronger and stronger.
The very same goes for your daily routine. You look more to the eyes of the person you want to form something, a bond. Interestingly you form more eye contact with the people sharing your daily routine. So when you are put in somewhere, either don't look at anyone's eyes, or you will eventually come to form a bond—a very lovely natural stimulant for humans to connect. But, in a world where we have more choices, we should take the responsibility to choose who we are to form a soul contact.
Now stop and try to reflect on this for yourself.
Today, with whom you formed unforgettable eye contact and what do they mean to you?
This question, when answered sincerely, reveals your emotional drive for the person. Do you approve of the reason?
Now here is a practical takeaway from this article. If you find yourself in those situations, remember that "I sees".
If you are in a relationship that you believe you have to pull yourself back forever. Look into others' eyes.
If you feel the drive to form a -ship (friendship, relationship, partnership) but doubt whether the other will accept you.
If you want to know what you want from others.
I looking eye. Look directly, and immediately shall you see the answer.
Originally published for Polyhedron in 01/08/2023