I used to question the validity and the rationale of any emotional relationship. In an entropic world, many factors and currents can separate one person from another. Age separates a child from their parents, death separates the lovers, and many obstacles are present due to limited resources such as time, strength and vigour. Given the odds, I used to think of any relationship as a burden and a hustle. Why would you invest in something which will eventually end?
I was perplexed by this very question. Life itself was designated for death eventually. To evolve, the old and unadopted had to go to give birth to the development and evolution. Individual life is a curve that connects birth to death. Why would a creature continue to live knowing that it will eventually perish? Or they are just the dots in a super-dimensional biosphere. Why would they continue as they know they will be gone someday, leaving everything behind? Where is the meaning?
I questioned this—the cold truth. But then, I was fortunate to have a chain of events that gave an answer itself. Yes, everything will be waning; entropy will make everything wither. But this was the point. Nothing binds anyone to any specific goal; the meaning of life is quite unique to a person. And, as the inevitable decay looms, meaning is beyond good and evil. One's meaning cannot fit the other. This gives uniqueness to any and every life.
The meaning of anything is the limited time with it. Any relationship may end and will end eventually, but it is that lifespan that gives it meaning. In a never-ending life cycle, there is no beginning without an end. If you favour the start, you must, by definition and principle, favour the end.
So, why invest in a relationship deep and emotionally, as the odds are against it? The answer lies in the question itself: because the odds are against it. Because life is the only known force that prevailed over entropy and chaos. It is in every living being's essence to keep moving forward and raising the stakes by choosing the outcomes they cannot foresee. It is our ultimate nature to challenge the odds, so they adapt to us instead. With every level of life, odds have to become more complex and vicious in order to survive life.
Love cannot exist without separation. Life cannot live without death. And flow cannot exist without states.